Thursday, June 30, 2011

Miss Mazda

After all the drama, I finally got my new baby:

My new Mazda2

She's so cute.

I'm one of those people who like to name their cars, my first one was "Princess Sophia" and my last one was "Azby".

This one is "Mimi"
Because she is like a MIni version of my my friends Subaru Impreza named Imogen
Mini + Immi = Mimi

So dolls, do you name your cars?


  1. My last was the batmobile.

    Um - yeah, that comparision was mostly in my head.

  2. I am considering renaming her "Diva" or "DQ" for Drama Queen because of all the hassles in getting her.
    But don't want to dwell on them anymore :D

    Suzanne, TOTES looks like a batmobile.
    A more feminine styled batmobile. Love it

  3. Lovely car! I've got a Toyota Yaris. But it doesn't have a girls name.

    His name is Harris the Yaris. Or Harry for short. Haha, I love hearing other peoples cars name!



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