Sunday, July 31, 2011


Remember last week when I posted 3 challenges for #beautifulinsideandout ?

Well, it has been a week and it's time to share how it went.

1. Stop swearing 
2. Swap coffee for tea.
3. Get active. I'm not going to promise to hit the gym 5 times, my schedule doesn't allow for that but just get out there. I WILL climb the mountain at least once and I WILL hit the park for some scooter riding with Master3 and I WILL look into karate lessons

I am happy to report that I completed ALL THREE of my challenges this week.
Not bad for a first go, but I am notorious for setting unrealistic goals.
Just ask my Wii fit, which pretty much refuses my goal setting attempts
[10kgs in 2 weeks? girl, you so cray cray]
FINALLY! I was beginning to think this was a waste of money.

Weight wise I am down all of .8kgs but I am not focusing on weight this time, I am focusing on being healthy and trying to be happy - focusing on weight just seems to bring me down when it doesn't work.
I am keeping my philosophy simple again this week - as I said on Twitter - Keep It Simple Sexy.
Sure, in the long run I want a body to marvel Victoria Beckham, but I'm not ready to give up the amazing feeling I am rocking by setting myself up for failure.

This week:

1. I WILL eat Breakfast. Daily.
I know, obvious right? But a cup of coffee does not a healthy body make.
I will make an effort here, I don't have the time to cook a delicious breakfast daily, but an apple on the commute to work is better than nothing. [ I drive far enough to eat 20 apples so it fits perfectly for the time poor like me ]

2. I WILL get back into use My Fitness Pal
This is one of the best iPhone apps ever.
You enter in your weight, exercise and food intake and it helps monitor your calories for you.
I'm not calorie counting, but I make much better food choices when I track what I eat.

3. Keep all of last weeks goals running.
So, no swearing. One coffee a day. Mountain walking & scooter riding [Alas, no karate since I am over 12 and that's all thats offered here]

I would also like to take this opportunity to again thank Michelle and Kirsten for coming up with this idea and sharing it with us. Just a week of #beautifulinsideandout and I already feel so much different. So much better.
I had an absolutely amazing weekend,  I spent time with some of my most favourite people [I'm looking at you Mumma In Heels ] and for TWO WHOLE DAYS I was having one those rare i-dont-hate-myself and I-Dont-Feel-Fat moments and I felt so happy and free. Thank you girls! 

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