Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Slight Hiatus

Hey Lovelies,

Sorry I've not been posting much lately.
Work life is insane, and I've busy preparing for ABBW.
So lots of packing, repacking, sorting budgets, cursing my wardrobe/hair/lack of tan/lack of money/size of ass etc as well as working on BeautifulInsideAndOut (Where my goal is to get to a "healthy" weight range, as soon as possible, safely.)

I'll be back soon, I am beyond RIDIC excited for IMATS and The ABBW THIS WEEKEND!!!!
And I will be posting before I go... So keep an eye for that one.

In the meantime, the treadmill is calling my name and I must be off.

Thanks again for your continued support and loyalty! Love you all


P.S The above image IS NOT me... It's from Corbis.
It could be me.
If I had dark hair, a tan and wore tights as pants, I have none of those things.


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Make sure you add a link to your own blog/page so I can check it out

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