Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Barkins Launch

Last week I was invited to the launch of the new look Barkins QV in Melbourne.
Braving the winter cold to rub shoulders with Melbourne's most stylish and fabulous fashionista's.

The theme for the evening was "Unlock Your Style Icon"
This was reiterated through the store with key labels, key shaped door prize entry tickets and displays throughout the store showing one how to replicate famous style with Barkin's clothing.

And to sweeten the deal? 
A candy table - My head screamed calories, so I avoided this, however, it was a definite winner for the guests.

They had thought of it all.
Wine, Sparkling, Soda and Water.
It's not often that I go to an event that caters for us non-drinkers.
Major props to Barkins.

A night out isn't complete without catching up with my fav fashionistas.
Katie, Me, Sarah Jane and Jess.

Perfect Office-to-Drinks wear.

Kate, Sarah Jane, Nicole, Kate and Katie. 

THE Dress?
Yep, Barkins, you have won me over.
You certainly haven't seen the last of me.

And you know I gave my debit card a spin and picked up these new babies.
Just the pop of colour needed in the dark of winter. 
[and a BARGAIN at just $49.95]

If you aren't in Melbourne, or not near the CBD, check out Barkins Online Store


  1. Ahh those shoes are beautiful! Very wintery looking but not rain proof lol. I love Barkins, great style and great prices-my kind of fashion!

  2. Great shots! Love running into another Aussie blog!

    <3 Anna Vu


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