Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Review; Osteosupport

Remember this beautiful girl?
Well, she's getting on in age a bit [She's 12, so in dog years thats 84!]
Not as young as she used to be and it's showing.

Whilst never having been the most active dog on the plant
[She much prefers to lay in the sun, on a pillow, and being waited on hand and foot... I've trained her well?]
She was always able to jump off her bed [for food], run around the backyard [for food] and go for a leisurely stroll [with the promise of food]
Not so much these days.

These days she gets up only when she has too, won't play and her joints creak terribly when she gets up from her bed.
Not to mention, she hasn't jumped in years.

So, when Blackmore's asked me to trial a new pet supplement for Osteosupport and care I jumped at the chance to improve her life, if only slightly.

2 of these a day [wrapped in cheese]

What They Say:

Natural green lipped mussel powder (Perna128®) manufactured using lower temperatures for a highly concentrated product;
With high levels of Omega 3 (EPA, DHA & ETA) for fast, effective joint pain relief for dogs.
Includes a natural source of glycosaminoglycans (Chondroitin 6 Sulfate) that are key nutrients required for cartilage production to aid joint care.
Measured capsule dose that’s easy to give to your pet.

and 3 of these.


What They Say:

With Glucosamine Sulfate & Chondroitin Sulfate, these tasty kangaroo chews provide everyday joint care, helping to improve joint function and health in younger dogs and older dogs with early arthritis symptoms.

What we say:

Whilst it's hard to pinpoint whether it was one individual product or a combination of the two, there has been a considerable change in her movement.
She is not as stiff as prior to the trial, nor do you hear her joints and bones creak when she stands up or stretches
P is still unable to jump up, or go on any extended walks, however, she is playing with [and keeping up with] the Poodle now which was a very rare occurrence before and she is able to run short distances in the backyard.

The supplements were very easy to administer.
2 Capsules of Osteosupport which we hid in either cheese, or pieces of chicken
and 3 Osteocare "chews".
For someone who doesn't eat meat very often, the Chews smell disgusting - Would strongly recommend adding some kind of mint or something to them. But P loves them and thinks she is getting pretty spoilt by having 3 treats every day.

We participated in this trial for a 3 week period, giving her the Osteosupport capsules daily.
We did lapse slightly in the Osteocare chews, and are still going with them.
Products can be given separately or in conjunction with each other.
Will be looking at repurchasing when out of the Osteocare chews.

Prices start at 50c a day for small dogs.
For more information on the Blackmores - Pure Animal Wellbeing Joint Care range, click here
And for a list of stockists

Don't forget dolls, Blackmore's PAW Giveaway ends midnight tonight!
So, if you haven't entered already, Do it!
Your pet will love you for it!

And here is the proof, She is now able to get off her bed SO much easier than before.

Please excuse the dodgy filming/lack of editing - Trying to get my gorgeous girl to perform on cue is like pulling teeth, couldn't have her climbing on and off her bed for a decent [unshaken] take. The Poodle on the other hand is part circus performer, but I was always warned never to work with animals or children.

And yes, I was persuading her with food, is there any other way?

Osteocare and Osteosupport were provided as part of a product trial. This has in no way influenced my review. To see my Disclaimer, please click here or here to contact me.

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