Saturday, June 18, 2011

Review: Italian Red

I am a sucker for buying pretty things. But add "Italian" to the name of something and it becomes a "Lexi Must Have" item.

Back in my teenage years, I delevoped an addiction to Red nail polish. Wore it EVERYDAY. Once I finished High School I threw them all away and vowed never to wear red polish again.
I have, but very rarely. In fact, I have only owned one red polish since.

You all know how much I love China Glaze, so when I came across the name "Italian Red" I knew I had to have it. It conjured up images of red wine, sports cars and hot Italian men....

The colour - It is a Vibrant Red
Dried colour is true to bottle
Non Streaky

Like most red's, it is a little difficult to remove without staining.
I would need 3-4 coats to cover white acrylic tips

This is a solid red, no shimmer.
Pictured is 2 coats of colour, no top coat

And it goes perfectly with this:

Definitely need MOR Italian in my life :D

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