Monday, October 31, 2011

Meatless Monday; Dreaming Of Cannelloni

Whilst this recipe isn’t diet friendly, it is incredibly easy and tastes great.
Team it with a side salad and you have an easy, homemade dinner

1 can diced tomatoes [You can substitute with your favourite pasta sauce if you prefer]
500g low fat ricotta
250g frozen chopped spinach, thawed
2 Tablespoons chopped basil [If you use dried variety, use 2 TEAspoons]
Teaspoon of garlic
Half a teaspoon of Nutmeg
Perfect Italiano Pizza Plus cheese
Cannelloni Shells

In a bowl, combine Spinach, Ricotta, Basil, Garlic and Nutmeg.
Stir until combined, fill cannelloni shells with mixture.
I use a knife, because I am useless with a pastry bag but I have been told they are the best way to go
Place into oven proof baking dish and cover shells with diced tomatoes
Bake in oven on 180 degrees, for about 20-25 minutes, until pasta is tender.
If the shells start to burn, cover dish with aluminium foil.
Take out of oven and sprinkle cheese over the top.
Put back in oven for further 10-15 minutes until cheese is melted and golden.
This post is part of Veggie Mama's Meatless Monday Link Up

If you want to play along, here is the lowdown:

The linky will be up at 9am every Monday morning, and will stay up until the following Sunday.

Grab the Meatless Monday button and put it in your post, and even on your sidebar if you're feeling generous.

Visit at least one other blogger and leave some love. This is so much cooler if we're in it together


  1. yuuuum cannelloni- I am a pasta fiend

  2. I used to do meatless mondays! I should do them again.. mmm. Plus cannelloni love forever!

  3. Swap the shells for fresh lasagne sheets (and then roll them) - so yummy :)

  4. I'm with Melinda, I roll them up in lasagna sheets! What an excellent recipe, and welcome aboard! <3

  5. I don't like the fresh lasagne sheets though.
    I think I am spoilt by my nonna making them from scratch, they taste rubbery to me.
    Each to their own :)


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