Monday, July 25, 2011


If you are on board the twitter train, you will know all about the new initiative by Michelle and Kirsten to get all Beauty Bloggers #beautifulinsideandout - it's a great idea and I am looking forward to being apart of the journey

For more information and on how to be involved check out
Michelle and Kirsten's blogs

My goals this week are quite simple ones:

1. Stop swearing in frustration. It's not a good thing. Swearing is an ugly habit and it needs to go

2. Swap coffee for tea. Yep, I am addicted to caffeine but by limiting myself to ONE coffee a day and drink peppermint or green tea instead I will (hopefully) improve my sleeping patterns AND do a good thing for my body/skin

3. Get active. I'm not going to promise to hit the gym 5 times, my schedule doesn't allow for that but just get out there. I WILL climb the mountain at least once and I WILL hit the park for some scooter riding with Master3 and I WILL look into karate lessons

So lovelies, what is your goal for #motivationmondays ?
Have you blogged about #beautifulinsideandout ? Let me know I'll link you


  1. I love that everyone is getting in on this :) P.S Karate is awesome and a damn good workout!


Leave some comment love :)
Make sure you add a link to your own blog/page so I can check it out

Thanks for reading