Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Online Shopping Addiction

Despite the fact that I now live in the most stylish city in the country, with access to the best stores available - I have turned to Internet Shopping once again and have put through another ASOS order.

This stuff was just really too cool/cute/cheap to NOT buy.
These adorable Black Lace Up shoes - Practical AND Stylish
Because all my shoes are either heels, boots OR ballet flats.

This Metallic Knit top, perfect for the varying temperature changes in any given hour here.
Dressed up with a skirt - or down over jeans.

Because Molly has this dress and I fell in LOVE!
HAD to have it.

No explanation needed.
Nope. Not one.
Just... LOVE

Perfect Simple Office wear.
Need to hit up Zara for a coloured blazer to go with this one.

Navy. Dress. Buttons
Ticks ALL my boxes.

These Calvin Klein Socks.
Because I once saw a SATC ep with Carrie wearing over the knee socks whilst writing.
And I want to BE her.

Where do you do most of your online shopping?
Are you obsessed as I am?


  1. These are some gorgeous picks, I do most of my online shopping from Topshop and a little bit from Asos as well. It really is addictive!

    1. Oooh, I have considered Topshop - how are their sizes? Asos is quite similar to Aus sizing.
      Glad I am not alone in the addiction xo

  2. DAMN YOU! Now I have to go check out that black and white stripe dress and get sucked into an ASOS wormhole...

    1. Sorry!
      I know, there was absolutely NO question about that dress at all.
      It HAD to be mine.

  3. oooh i love the black plain dress for work! have to resist visiting asos!

    1. Don't avoid! It is amazing.
      The black dress is great - it runs a little smaller in size, so if you are borderline on sizing, go up - not down.

      Its a little snug around my hips and thighs.


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